"Transforming young people from Subject to Citizen"

The Africa Alliance of YMCAs (AAYMCA) seeks to contribute to global wellbeing through a strategic positioning of youth development and empowerment needs within the African continent.
To this end, a key focus of our energy is on youth rights and youth access to policy and decision-making structures so that youth civic engagement improves throughout Africa. This is a crucial area of activity considering the ongoing unstable nature of much of Africa’s political, economic and development structure. Through our flagship change model “From Subject to Citizen” (S2C), youth civic engagement is shaped in line with National Movement (NM) priorities and works to encourage membership recruitment activities while also contributing to partnerships and networks with community, local and national level decision making structures.
The S2C Ambassadors programme is Youth leadership development initiative targeting every National Movement. In 2019, the Ambassadors progressed to the World Change Agents programme.