The Green Idea Project
Implementing countries: Ghana and Madagascar
Funding Agency: The Swedish Mission through YMCA/YWCA Sweden
The 'Green Idea' project stands as a testament to the commitment of the YMCAs in Ghana and Madagascar, along with the Africa Alliance of YMCAs and the YWCA-YMCA Sweden, towards fostering environmental sustainability. In collaboration and with funding from the Swedish Mission Council (SMC), this initiative is intricately aligned with the Sustainable Planet pillar of the World YMCA’s Vision 2030 framework, showcasing a profound connectivity in the pursuit of shared goals.
Connecting the Dots:
1. Empowering Youth for Climate Action: The Green Idea project is intricately linked to Vision 2030's Sustainable Planet pillar by empowering young individuals to lead climate actions geared towards environmental preservation. This aligns perfectly with the overarching goal of creating a sustainable world where humans live in harmony with nature.
2. SDG 13 - Urgent Action Against Climate Change: Recognizing the urgency of climate action, the Green Idea project aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 13, advocating for immediate and impactful measures against climate change. This resonates with the World YMCA's commitment to championing global solutions.
Project Focus Areas:
1. Plastics Value Chain Enhancement: The project specifically focuses on enhancing the capabilities of young YMCA members within the plastics value chain. This not only addresses environmental concerns but also contributes to building a climate-neutral movement, as outlined in Vision 2030's strategic goals.
2. Female Empowerment in Ghana: In Ghana, the project places a special emphasis on encouraging female participation within the plastics value chain. This mirrors the commitment to inclusivity and empowerment, aligning with the World YMCA's pledge for a Just Transition to a world in harmony with nature.
3. Strengthening Communities in Madagascar: In Madagascar, the project's focus on strengthening communities' preparedness, promoting eco-citizenship, and recovering plastic waste aligns seamlessly with Vision 2030's goal of inspiring communities to practice environmental responsibility.
The YMCA's Pledge and Strategic Goals:
The YMCA's commitment to becoming a Greener Movement, actively advocating for climate justice, and championing youth-led sustainability solutions is demonstrated through the Green Idea project. The strategic goals outlined - from becoming a climate-neutral movement to inspiring environmental responsibility in communities globally - showcase a holistic approach towards achieving Vision 2030's aspirations for a Green Economy and the regeneration and protection of our Planet.

Madagascar Green Ambassadors Challenge
The Green Ambassadors Challenge encourages responsible waste disposal by emphasizing that trash should be placed in designated bins, not littered on the roads. The message advocates for a cleaner and more sustainable environment, urging individuals to be mindful of their waste and dispose of it properly. The challenge applauds the Green Ambassadors for their efforts in promoting this eco-friendly initiative. It calls on others to join in and embrace the responsibility of keeping our surroundings clean. By participating in this challenge, individuals contribute to a collective commitment to environmental well-being and waste reduction.
Activities and progress: Madagascar
The Green idea pilot project was implemented by the YMCA Madagascar within its Antsirabi Branch. The project, like in Ghana was also implemented for 6 months with the active involvement of youth from diverse background. Its main focus was to get young people involved in civic action to protect the environment. From the inception of the project, a selective recruitment process was set up to identify motivated and qualified candidates in Antserabe, Madagascar. During this phase, 20 young green ambassadors were recruited on the basis of their demonstrated interest in environmental issues. Most of them have a background in environmental protection. 75% of them were young women and new members of the YMCA. These selected young people were officially designated as the project's "Green Ambassadors", reflecting their role as committed spokespeople for environmental protection within their communities. As Green Ambassadors, their central roles were to raise awareness and mobilize all stakeholders, focusing on civic education as the foundation for change.
After the selection of the Green Ambassadors, an orientation session was conducted to provide them with comprehensive insights into the project and its anticipated outcomes. In collaboration with the Africa Alliance of YMCAs, the YMCA in Madagascar engaged a local consultant to facilitate a five-day master class and a 3i workshop. The primary objective of the 3i workshop was to empower and mobilize young individuals, inspiring them to actively participate in climate change solutions through innovative and sustainable approaches. The workshop sought to instill a sense of responsibility and leadership among these youth leaders, motivating them to play an active role in addressing environmental challenges within their respective communities.
Under the technical leadership of Africa Alliance of YMCA (AAY) and the local consultant, an innovative prototype on youth-led environment adaptation and protection was developed. The prototyping session which was done through the 3i session was conducted by an external consultant recruited with the involvement of AAY. 2 prototypes were developed and tested with the engagement of 20 youth referred to as Green Ambassador. This process also led to the development of 1 publication which has been published.
During the implementation of the project, activities were also conducted to engage communities and strengthen their preparedness and promote eco-citizenship. This was achieved by carrying out a natural disaster risk assessment. At the same time, an early warning system was set up, including community awareness-raising initiatives, to increase the vigilance and responsiveness of communities. 27 YMCA staff, volunteers and youth green ambassador were trained on Climate Change and Risk and Disaster Management; the training was conducted by ADAPT40, an UK based organization that work on climate change adaptation
An initiative was also conducted to recover plastic waste and empower young people at risk. This initiative was intended to maximize the recovery of plastic waste using the 3Rs technique (Reuse - Recycle - Reduce). Young people at risk were trained to acquire the technical skills to transform this waste into products that are both usable and commercially viable. Activities also included strategic partnerships and advocacy aimed at raising awareness and mobilizing private stakeholders and political decision-makers to promote more responsible and sustainable plastic waste management.
It is important to emphasis that this project highlighted the significant involvement of young people in the process and implementation. This was intended to highlight a specific approach based on the "Validated Learning" of environmental protection actions initiated by young people. All the actions undertaken during this project were officially validated by the Regional Directorate for the Environment and Sustainable Development.
A key component of the project implementation was the development and establishment of new partnerships that positioned the YMCA as a relevant actor for climate action within the youth and community engagement space. As of the time of this report, solid new partnerships with 4 public and private entities (DREDD, Air Verte association, HOSODOKO NGO were established to guarantee the quality and reliability of the data collected. These partners provided technical and methodological expertise, contributing to the conduct of the research carried out by the young people. Additionally, 2 high schools and 1 public university partnered with and agree to establish and prototype the “Green school”. The YMCA also managed to secure a partnership with Adapt 40, an international NGO, to train volunteers and staff with different skills needed to carry out risk and disaster reduction activities.

Activities and progress: Ghana
In Ghana, the pilot project was implemented at the Takoradi Branch of the Ghana YMCA from July to November, 2023. Activities conducted under this project included:
- Recruitment and onboarding of 20 youth leaders as Green Ambassadors
- Conduct of a Five days master class led by the Africa Alliance of YMCAs and a local consultant hired by the Ghana YMCA in consultation with AAYCA.
- Prototyping: Research, Information Gathering and Activity Proposals by young people
- Implementation of Youth Led Environmental/Climate Solutions
- A Climate Change and Plastic Recycling Solutions Exhibit
- Plastic Recycling Crafts Training Session
- Urban Smart Farming – Plastic Recycling and Nursing Seeds
- Public Awareness and Advocacy campaigns
- Plastic Waste Management
- Networking and partnership building