Our Journey and Vision for a Bright New Year!

Report on the 12th Africa Alliance of YMCAs General Assembly
Call for Consultants: Join the Innovation Journey with AAYMCA!

Dear Friends,

Season’s greetings from the Africa Alliance of YMCAs. As we navigate the transformative years from 2019, I find joy in reflecting on the incredible journey we've undertaken together.

In the pursuit of Agenda 2063 and the adoption of Africa Y 3.0 Game Plan, we've achieved significant milestones.     

The affirmation of our commitment to empower youth for African Renaissance has been unwavering. From developing Power Spaces to implementing sustainability strategies at the national movement level, we've seen the seeds of our vision take root.

In tandem with Vision 2030, our strategic endeavours over the past years have been intricately connected to the four pillars that define this global framework. Our dedication to a Just, sustainable, equitable and inclusive World is demonstrated through our initiatives promoting justice, dignity, and the holistic transformation of communities. Moreover, in fostering a closer connection with the African Union, we took a strategic step by establishing a liaison office in Ethiopia.

This initiative not only ensures a consolidated approach to our continental goals, but also reinforces our commitment to global impact. It reflects the interconnectedness of our efforts with Vision 2030, contributing to a united YMCA movement globally, and shaping a brighter future for African youth.

The heartbeat of our organization, the 12th General Assembly this year in Nairobi, was instrumental in shaping our collective destiny.It stands as a testament to our collective commitment to purpose, resilience, and sustainable growth. The discussions, insights, and resolutions have not only shaped our path forward but have ignited a renewed sense of purpose within the African Alliance of YMCAs.

Let this festive season be a time of reflection on the positive vibes generated during the assembly, and may it inspire us to continue empowering youth, fostering positive change, and building a stronger, more connected YMCA community towards Vision 2030 and the African Renaissance.

As we approach the threshold of a new year, let us embrace this new momentum. The new departure leads us to rethink and redesign. The introduction of the 3I sessions has birthed innovative prototypes, paving the way for scaling impactful solutions to a continental level. Our national movements, once faced with existential threats, are now embracing sustainability strategies. Thanks to strategic partnerships we now move to more innovative entrepreneurial approaches.


As we reflect on our journey, allow me to borrow the verse from the third letter of the Apostle John, chapter 1 verse 2 to send you my best wishes

“Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper, and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers… “


Looking ahead to the New Year, may we have renewed energy, continued collaboration, and the realization of our shared vision. Together, let us embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, confident in our collective ability to create a brighter future for Africa and its youth.

Merry Christmas and Happy new year!


Lantonirina Rakotomalala

General Secretary, Africa YMCA



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