Promoting youth employability in Kenya through Agri-business, Vocational and Entrepreneurial skills training

This project is implemented by Kenya YMCA in partnership with AAYMCA and funded by the Finland Government through the YMCA of Finland. Its main goal is to impart youth, women, and PLWDs with market-ready skills for them to access formal and self-employment opportunities. This is intended to be achieved through specific objectives that include strengthening the Institutional Capacity of Kenya YMCA College of Agriculture (KYCAT) and Kenya YMCA National Training Institute (NTI) on climate-smart agriculture and vocational training; Imparting 1500 youth with employability skills on CBET training Programmes; training 3000 youths on Entrepreneurial skills and assisting 250 to start small scale enterprises to better their living conditions; training 1500 youth, women and PLWDS on climate-smart agriculture through soil and water management on food security in Kiambu County; and Promoting Human Right Based Approach and UN Resolution 2250 amongst the young people both internationally and locally. The project implemented in Kiambu County, Limuru through KYCAT, and in Nairobi County in Shauri Moyo through NTI targets 5,000 vulnerable youths (60% female, 40% male) and 15% of them being PLWDs residing in these areas.
This is the fourth quarter report of year two (2022) out of the four years’ project period. The fourth quarter implementation of project activities continued with the training of students, skills upgrade for College instructors, construction of the garage, renovation and construction of the simulation class, procurement of hospitality training equipment and the NTI website set-up. Ongoing activities that will spill over to year 3 include: the rehabilitation of the irrigation system, validation of the onsite training manual and distribution of startup kits to 25 students.