Officers & General Secretary

Dr. Adrien Coly

Vice President
Ms Ethiopia Tilahun

Mr Du Prince Tchakoté Noumbissi

General Secretary
Ms Lantonirina Rakotomalala

Southern Zone Representative
Dr Vakai Matutu

Youth Representative
Mr George Dela Coffie

Western Zone Representative
Mr Eho Kokouvi

Eastern Zone Representative
Mr Ephrem Lemma

World Alliance of YMCAs Representative
Ms Nalisoa Andriananarivo

World Alliance of YMCAs Representative
Mr Ronald Senghore

Womens Representative
Ms Esther Angwenyi

Member of the executive committee
Mr Lethukuthula Shongwe

Immediate Past President (IPP)
Mr James Ekow Rhule

Programme Innovation and Management Executive
Mr Lloyd Wamai

Administrator/P.A to the General Secretary
Ms Anne Kotut

Accounts Officer
Mr Francis Indangasi

Education Officer
Mr. Emmanuel Goubadje Regis

Business Development Executive
Mr Osborne Wanyama

Communications Officer
Ms Lavine Imali

Grants Accountant
Ms Julliana Ndavi

Programmes Assistant
Mr Lawrence Dolo

Zonal Facilitator
Mr Christian Kamara

Zonal Facilitator
Mr Jared Musima