The Africa Alliance of YMCAs (AAYMCAs) is the umbrella organization of all YMCAs in Africa, bringing together 17 YMCA National Movements in Africa and a few Movements in formation.
We are the largest Pan-African youth membership Movement in the continent. The vision of the YMCAs in Africa is to empower young people for the African Renaissance. Based on Christian values, we aspire to develop young people for the holistic transformation of their communities, nation and the continent.The AAYMCA Secretariat is an experienced, multi-disciplinary team providing institutional and technical support to National Movements in the areas of programme innovation and capacity development for good governance.
The guiding philosophy of the YMCA, Subject to Citizen (S2C), is a transformational youth model that moulds subjects of repressive systems into productive citizens. Citizens are active participants in positive transformation. We implement S2C through the Power Space methodology. Power Space programs enable young people to experience self-discovery, unlock their potential and connect to opportunities. The methodology promotes innovation in youth empowerment through building livelihoods, Civic Engagement, Health and Wellbeing, Youth Justice, Environmental Conservation, Peace Building and Countering Extremism.
We have developed a broad implementation guideline for the Power Space that is anchored on contextual participatory interpretation. We use the Inspiration, Ideation and Implementation (3Is) Workshop Model to facilitate delivery of the Power Space. The 3Is Workshops are Human Centered Design (HCD) tools that involve the participation of stakeholders, duty bearers, youth, YMCA staff and CSO partner organizations.
As the YMCA, we believe that young people should be in the driving seat of the African Renaissance and endeavour in our programmes to equip them with skills and opportunities to do this.

The YMCAs in Africa have also exhibited their versatility in the midst of adversity. This was demonstrated by their ability to transition into virtual working and to move their programmes online.