SUCCESS STORY YMCA TOGO: Temoignage Emmanuel Assogbavi

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... I represent the culture and values ​​of an entire country abroad through know-how and learning at the YMCA ...

Graduate of the Cégep de Sherbrooke in Consulting and Financial Services, member of YMCA-Togo and currently ambassador in support of mobility in Europe, Emmanuel Yaovi ASSOGBAVI, a 24-year-old shares with the communication unit of YMCA-Togo, the change that YMCA Togo brought in his life. Early on, I realized that a life's success is not just about performance, but about self-accomplishment. I aimed above all for a personal and professional balance. It was therefore important to look for a cadre outside of school who would provide me with other skills.

In 2014 through an awareness activity at Atakpamé, I discovered the YMCA; It was the beginning of the transformation of my life.I was selected as a volunteer ICS, a British volunteer program run by the YMCA-Togo, and then as a member of the advocacy group. The experiences of his two programs allowed me to be elected in 2015 as a youth delegate plateaux-north region: it was the beginning of a great responsibility.A youth exchange framework called AGORA and two child welfare programs, Operation 1 Bic, 1 notebook and Christmas for children, were quickly initiated.After my return from Germany as part of the partnership between YMCA-Togo / UR-PN and CVJM-Fürth, it is a bigger story that continues.

At the national level, I was lucky to be spotted very quickly. Elected as communication officer of the National Youth Bureau, I had worked not only as a facilitator, trainer and camp organizer, but had also represented the movement in various workshops. Note that in 2018, I was the youngest president of Union Locale, and the local union I am in charge of is UL Doulos Selected by the Ministry of Youth through the ANVT, I am currently Ambassador of Mobility in Europe. I represent the culture and values ​​of an entire country abroad through know-how and learning at the YMCA. Come, engage your heart and soul! You will understand that you are doing good, and that through you, it is a future that is built.

Story by Communication Unit of YMCA-Togo

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